Nursing Education And Research

Track 12: Nursing Education And Research

What is nursing Research?

Nursing research is a crucial part of the educational process since it has a significant impact on both present and future professional nursing practise. In this article, two undergraduate nursing students who had the chance to work as team members on a project supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research share their learning experiences. The application procedure, the many tasks and learning opportunities undertaken by the students, as well as the advantages and results of the experience are detailed. By discussing their educational experiences, the authors wish to encourage more students to take use of the techniques discussed in this article. Nursing research is essential to the nursing profession and is required for ongoing developments that support the provision of the best possible nursing care.

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Nursing education and research are integral components of the nursing profession, contributing to the advancement of nursing practice, the development of competent nursing professionals, and the improvement of patient care outcomes. Here are key aspects of nursing education and research:

Nursing Education:

  1. Academic Programs:
    • Nursing education encompasses a range of academic programs, including diploma programs, associate degree in nursing (ADN), bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), master of science in nursing (MSN), and doctoral programs. These programs prepare individuals for various roles in nursing practice, leadership, and research.
  2. Curriculum Development:
    • Nursing education involves the development of comprehensive curricula that cover foundational knowledge, clinical skills, and critical thinking abilities. The curriculum evolves to incorporate advancements in healthcare, technology, and evidence-based practices.
  3. Clinical Training:
    • Practical experience is a vital component of nursing education. Students undergo clinical training in healthcare settings, applying theoretical knowledge to real-world patient care scenarios under the supervision of clinical instructors.
  4. Simulation Learning:
    • Simulation labs provide nursing students with opportunities to practice and refine their skills in a controlled environment. This includes scenarios ranging from basic nursing procedures to complex clinical situations.
  5. Interprofessional Education:
    • Collaboration with other healthcare disciplines is emphasized in nursing education. Interprofessional education encourages students to work collaboratively with professionals from various healthcare fields to promote effective teamwork.
  6. Continuing Education:
    • Lifelong learning is essential in nursing. Continuing education programs and professional development opportunities allow nurses to stay current with evolving healthcare practices, technologies, and evidence-based interventions.
  7. Cultural Competence:
    • Nursing education includes training in cultural competence to ensure that nurses understand and respect diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values. This promotes culturally sensitive and patient-centered care.
  8. Leadership and Management Skills:
    • Educational programs emphasize the development of leadership and management skills to prepare nurses for roles in healthcare administration, policy development, and organizational leadership.
  9. Ethical and Legal Considerations:
    • Nursing education covers ethical principles, legal considerations, and professional standards. Nurses are educated on their ethical obligations, patient rights, and legal responsibilities in providing healthcare.

Nursing Research:

  1. Evidence-Based Practice:
    • Nursing research contributes to the development and implementation of evidence-based practice. Research findings guide nurses in delivering care based on the best available evidence, improving patient outcomes and the quality of care.
  2. Clinical Research:
    • Clinical research in nursing involves investigating healthcare interventions, treatments, and outcomes. Nurses contribute to clinical trials, observational studies, and other research endeavors to advance medical knowledge.
  3. Quality Improvement:
    • Nursing research plays a role in quality improvement initiatives within healthcare organizations. Research findings help identify areas for improvement in patient care processes, safety measures, and healthcare delivery.
  4. Patient Outcomes:
    • Researchers explore the impact of nursing interventions on patient outcomes. This includes studies on the effectiveness of specific nursing care practices, interventions, and models of care delivery.
  5. Nursing Education Research:
    • Research in nursing education focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of educational strategies, curriculum changes, and teaching methodologies. This research contributes to the continuous improvement of nursing education programs.
  6. Health Policy Research:
    • Nursing research informs health policy by providing evidence on issues such as workforce planning, healthcare disparities, and the impact of healthcare policies on patient outcomes. Nurses may engage in health policy research to advocate for positive changes.
  7. Innovation and Technology:
    • Nursing research explores the integration of innovative technologies and practices into healthcare. This includes studies on the use of telehealth, mobile health applications, and other technological advancements to improve nursing care.
  8. Community and Public Health Research:
    • Nurses contribute to research in community and public health to address population-level health issues. This may involve studies on health promotion, disease prevention, and interventions to improve the health of communities.
  9. Global Health Research:
    • Nursing research has a global impact, addressing health challenges and disparities on an international scale. Global health research may focus on infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and other global health priorities.

Relationship between nursing practice and education and research
Nurses can improve patient care and identify best practices with the use of research. Online RN to BSN programs teach nurses how to locate, interpret, evaluate, and apply nursing research. It is essential that nurses with a BSN degree understand the value of research because new knowledge is constantly being discovered.

Learning Possibility
The study’s primary investigator (M.S.T.) visited the junior baccalaureate class (class of 2007) at the Medical College of Georgia to start the learning process. Due to their academic level, this particular student group was chosen because they would have the opportunity to fully benefit from studying directly from a nurse researcher for one whole year before graduation. The principle investigator gave a brief overview of the area of nursing research, its developments, and the vital contribution nursing research makes to clinical practice.

Benefits and Outcomes
Nursing community, and eventually patients and families will be affected by nursing research in the following ways: enhances nursing actions, activities, or methods to improve professional practice. Focuses on contemporary concerns, such as COVID-19. Decreases hospital expenses and duration of stay while improving patient outcomes.

Outcome: Measurable behavior displayed by the patient responsive to nursing interventions” is what constitutes an outcome. Prior to the planning of nursing interventions, outcomes should be determined. After putting nursing interventions into practice, the nurse will evaluate if the results were obtained within the time frame designated for that patient.

Nursing Education and Practice to be transformed by Transcultural Nursing Research
Along with selected transcultural nursing research findings, mostly from the notion of culture care employing the ethnonursing research technique, several key trends, philosophical viewpoints, and theoretical perspectives are provided. Since the introduction of transcultural nursing in the 1950s, a sizable body of knowledge with regard to health or well-being outcomes has emerged. In order to satisfy health requirements in a multicultural society, the author argues that transcultural nursing understanding of Western and non-Western cultures is vitally needed. To enhance transcultural nursing research, education, and practice, some misconceptions and reflections are provided. Some foundational readings are suggested for “newcomers” to transcultural nursing.

Educating nurses in the future
The education of nurses both before and after they get their licenses will need to undergo similarly significant modifications as a result of significant changes in the U.S. healthcare system and practice environments. The committee outlined a vision for healthcare in Chapter 1 that hinges on changing the duties and obligations of nurses. If this vision is to become a reality, the fundamental change in nursing education that must take place is described in this chapter. The core objectives of nursing education remain the same: nurses must be ready to meet the requirements of a variety of patients, act as leaders, advance patient-beneficial science, and increase the ability of other health professionals to provide safe, high-quality patient care. To equip nursing graduates to work successfully and collaboratively with other health professionals in a complex and changing healthcare system in a range of contexts, nursing education must be modified in a number of ways (see Chapter 3). For instance, entry-level nurses must be able to seamlessly go from their academic training to a variety of clinical areas, with a focus on community and public health settings. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) need graduate schools that can prepare them for their positions in specialty practices as well as primary care, acute care, long-term care, and other settings.

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Universities of  Nursing Education And Research

  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of California-Los Angeles
  • University of Alabama
  • Case Western Reserve University
  • Columbia School of Nursing
  • University of Michigan School of Nursing
  • University of Maryland
  • New York University
  • University of Miami

National Nursing Research Associations

  • Eastern Nursing Research Society
  • Midwest Nursing Research Society
  • Southern Nursing Research Society
  • National Institute of Nursing Research
  • International Association of Clinical Research Nurses
  • Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science
  • Association of Clinical Research Professionals
  • Society of Clinical Research Associates

List of Nursing Education and Research Organizations

  • Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
  • Academy of Neonatal Nursing
  • ACNP- American College of Nurse Practitioners
  • Advanced Practice Nurses of the Ozarks
  • Advanced Practice Nurses of the Permian Basin
  • Advanced Practitioners for the River Region
  • Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association
  • Alliance for Psychosocial Nursing
  • Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
  • Alzheimer’s Association