Ms. Humaira Nasim

Biography of Ms. Humaira Nasim

Humaira Nasim, NLP Master Coach, ACC | Trainer | Keynote Speaker | Author of “Rediscover: The Road to Inner Peace, Balance, and Fulfillment in Your Relationships with Life.”Renowned for her pioneering work in education and life coaching, she’s received accolades such as the 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Education & Learning and the 2023 Mastermind Outstanding Life Coaching Award.
As a visionary leader, she conducts international workshops on conscious motherhood mastery, aiming to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and foster resilience.
Featured in Khaleej Times and Grazia for her expert coaching skills, Humaira’s dedication to holistic well-being, acknowledged with the Brilliance in Healthcare award, permeates her coaching, public speaking engagements, and advocacy efforts, positively influencing lives globally.

Speaker Announcement..!! We’re so excited to welcome our amazing speaker, Ms. Humaira Nasim, She will present her talk on Nurturing Resilience: A Multilayered Approach to Breaking the Cycle and Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Maternal Wellness” at our CME/CPD accredited 14th World Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference from July 25-27, 2024 | Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE

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